Thursday, January 8, 2009

Days 2 and 3

We've had two days of intense "talks." Yesterday was pretty brutal for the both of us. The whole morning was the ins and outs of all things financial. It was alright, but very long. Although I think some things have been cleared up as far as all of that stuff goes. There's a lot to learn and remember. Today was a bit lighter. We got to meet the president of CCC. He talked to all of us about our calling and what exactly we have been called to do. He was pretty funny. He has a story about everything! It was a really good time this morning. Another thing that we did yesterday was we met our Life Groups. They are done by gender, so Kinz and I are in different groups. All the girls in my group are the wives of the guys in Kinz's group. They are all really awesome people. We've enjoyed getting to know the couples. We have dinner tonight with our LGs again tonight. It's a great time of fellowship for us, and we get some "girl" and "guy" time.
Besides all of that stuff, we're having a great time here in Daytona. The weather is pleasant. It's a little chilly for me today (65ish), but still very nice. I have our door to the balcony propped open and I'm listening to the ocean and seagulls.
We hope everyone else is having a good beginning of 2009!