Thursday, January 29, 2009

Little update...

So we visited Headquarters in Orlando yesterday... that was fun. Got to meet some neat people and really find out what CCCI is all about. It's a large building that houses pretty much all of the ministries around the world. It's what keeps the wheels turning.

We got to hear a good talk from Judy Douglas (Steve Douglas (the president of CCC)'s wife), and got to meet with a representative from each ministry. We also got to see where Steve Douglas's office was and where he meets with business men from around the world who keep CCCI accountable in every aspect... it was pretty neat. He has a very humble office. If you ever get a chance, check it out sometime!

Today on the schedule is Barbara Francis, Mike Tilley, then a meeting about staff services to do paperwork and such. Makes for a pretty exciting day.

Let us know if there's anything we can pray for you about!!! We'd love to hear from you...
Our prayer request would be that God continues His provision for us, and that we are able to use our gifts and talents in a manner that is holy and pleasing to Him.

And it's supposed to rain here today... guess it could be snow... : )

Talk to you all later! Walk in the Spirit.


Kinz and Roxy