Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We made it!

After a long day of traveling, we are finally here at El Caribe! For the most part we had a smooth traveling day, it was just very long. Both of our flights (DFW to Charlotte and Charlotte to Orlando) went smoothly. Kinz did great for his first time flying. We left DFW at 8:40am (CST) and got to Charlotte at 11:40am (EST). We got a quick expensive lunch in Charlotte (it was very good despite it being over priced) and boarded our next flight. I took a nap on the plane, so it seemed like a 5 minute flight. We had been in touch with a friend of my parents, Mike, who is kind of heading up the worship band for NST (new staff training) and had arranged last minute (due to the shuttle being over booked) to hitch a ride with him and his wife out to the El Caribe in Daytona Beach. We thought that we were meeting with him not long after we landed, but Kinz didn't have Mike's cell number. We wandered around the Orlando airport for a while trying to figure out where to meet him, all the while I'm thinking that he's waiting for us somewhere. If you haven't been to the Orlando airport, it's huge! We finally find someplace to plug our laptop in (it has no battery...) and Kinz looks up Mike's number. We call him and find out they haven't even left for the airport yet. So we figure out where to meet him, but now the traffic in the airport is terrible. Long story short we finally get on the road to Daytona at 5pm. Because we're so behind schedule the plan is that we'll get to the hotel and get the other worship band people and go out to eat. Dinner sounded good!! They wanted to take all of us to a "Daytona" place so we ate at this fun restaurant called Aunt's Catfish. Kinz and I both got salmon which was AMAZING! We had a good time and met some new people. We finally got to El Caribe and checked in at 9pm last night. When we went to check in they didn't have us as coming in until tomorrow. I think we have that all figure out now...maybe. We may be switching rooms. I hope not though. We have an amazing ocean view! I need to go to the store and get a few things including a USB cord so I can post pictures.
Well, Kinz is setting up drums, and I need to get off to Win Dixie. We'll keep you updated!