Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nearing the weekend!!!

So as we approach the weekend, we are both overjoyed! Next week, we start round 2!

But this week has been great. We're both learning a lot from our Systematic Theology classes as well as our Intro to Biblical studies class. Currently we're working on an "attributes project" that would be way to long to explain what it is on this blog. We're also reading 3 books and learning how to outline a Bible study, which is neat. It involves the breakdown of the verse by paragraph, and basically it's teaching us how to teach others. So it's cool. We're doing Ephesians!

Tonight is a pretty relaxed evening since we were able to finish our "homework" by the afternoon, so we're doing laundry, making dinner, etc. We'll probably watch "the office" later on.

Anyway, just pray that the rest of our classes go well, and that we ACE them so we don't have to re-do anything! Also, I know you need prayer, because we all do! So send your prayer requests to ... seriously... we want to be involved in your each of your lives personally!

Did I mention how thankful we are that the Father in Heaven has given us this opportunity? We are so grateful for everything, and we are so incredibly pumped about what God has for us in the coming years. We are also excited that you all get to be a part of it. It's amazing... simply amazing.

I know my grammar is not great, and my words are probably a little scatter-brained, but piece it together, and get back to me! Much love from the both of us, and we'll hope to hear from you soon! (seriously... call or e-mail.)
