Monday, January 26, 2009

Free day!!!

Finally! A free day!
Today, we finished up with our final exam for Christian Theology, and now, we get a day to relax! God has been teaching us SO many things since we've been here, and we are looking forward to the future He has planned for us! This afternoon, I think we maybe going to a "7 fatal mistakes married couples make" seminar; maybe learn a little something, since being married and on staff can get pretty stressful.

This coming week, we're going to Headquarters in Orlando (to meet some important people), and also going to a couple other seminars discussing life on staff, payroll, etc. So it'll be a pretty calm week... then the last week we're here, we'll be in high-gear; learning about support raising, getting more into the business side of things, and after that, we will come back to Texas prepared to be missionaries! EXCITING!!!

Other than that, we'll try and keep you all updated on what's going on... So let us know if there's anything we can pray for you about! Our prayer requests would be that we both are able to get some good rest, and that God will continue to open our eyes to see what He is doing in our lives. And that He would continue to strengthen our marriage while we're here.

**Also remember we can't receive comments here (due to some glitch in the system i guess), so
e-mail if you have anything you'd like us to know!**

Thanks! Have a blessed day!
