Saturday, January 10, 2009

the weekend

So far the trip has been great! We're about to enter into the more intense weeks as we'll have classes from 8a-3p every day, and study time during the afternoon. This will be going on for the next 5 weeks, so we're getting ready for that!

If you'd like to know what's been up the past couple days, we were honored to meet Dr. Bill Bright's wife last night, and that was absolutely amazing. In case you don't know, Dr. Bright founded Campus Crusade for Christ and well, you can imagine the plans God had for him! It was great to hear that story, and many others. It's amazing that God has taken this organization to many countries, and expanded it to much, much more than a college ministry.

As many of you know, I have never been on a plane, and Roxy's never seen the ocean beach. So today (on our day off) we were able to take an ATV up and down the shores. Also, we were walking on the beach earlier this morning, and saw dolphins jumping out of the water! How cool! God is so amazing!

I've been involved with the worship team during morning lecture times, and that has been a good experience. We've learned some great things from the speakers, and are definitely going to be equipped by the end of this 5 weeks of training. Although this past week wasn't too rough as far as training goes, the next 4 weeks are going to be... "full." : )

So if you have any prayer requests, or want to talk, just e-mail me at, or call 817-320-8359 (that's my cell). Also, we would like you to be pray for us that we will be able to endure the classes and lectures, and that God will strengthen our marriage as we become missionaries!

Thanks for reading! Hopefully this blog will become more organized as time goes on.

praise God.
