Saturday, January 31, 2009


Today is Saturday! It's nice to have a day of rest and relaxation after a week of meetings and learning about the oh so fascinating benefits. My dad is here. I don't remember if Kinz had said that, but it's been fun to have him here. We had lunch with him yesterday. I'm glad he's here! Last night we had a goodbye party for the phase 2 people (they had already completed the MPD part of training prior to being here). We had a talent show, which was amazing and hilarious, and then a dace party! It was fun!
We start MPD week on Monday, and I know that it's going to be busy and probably a little stressful. So, if some of you get a call next week, it will probably be about setting up an appointment for support. Just a forewarning. :)
Today we're just planning on hanging out and enjoying a day of nothing. We have some laundry to put away and dishes to wash, but other than that, my plan is to just enjoy my day.
I hope that everyone is doing well. We're ready to be home with our cats and our regular routine, although we've enjoyed our time here. Keep us in your prayers as we enter into MPD week.
I haven't been able to fix the comments...but you can always email us!