Saturday, January 31, 2009


Today is Saturday! It's nice to have a day of rest and relaxation after a week of meetings and learning about the oh so fascinating benefits. My dad is here. I don't remember if Kinz had said that, but it's been fun to have him here. We had lunch with him yesterday. I'm glad he's here! Last night we had a goodbye party for the phase 2 people (they had already completed the MPD part of training prior to being here). We had a talent show, which was amazing and hilarious, and then a dace party! It was fun!
We start MPD week on Monday, and I know that it's going to be busy and probably a little stressful. So, if some of you get a call next week, it will probably be about setting up an appointment for support. Just a forewarning. :)
Today we're just planning on hanging out and enjoying a day of nothing. We have some laundry to put away and dishes to wash, but other than that, my plan is to just enjoy my day.
I hope that everyone is doing well. We're ready to be home with our cats and our regular routine, although we've enjoyed our time here. Keep us in your prayers as we enter into MPD week.
I haven't been able to fix the comments...but you can always email us!

Friday, January 30, 2009

MPD week

So this next week starts MPD training! For those who don't know, it's "Ministry Partner Development." Basically, we'll be trained on what to do, and what not to do in terms of support raising. It'll be our last week here, and we'll be headed home on Feb. 8th at 9:30AM! (if all goes according to plan...)

I know... not a huge update, but we would like your prayers as we enter into this week.

We're trying to fix our comments, but since they don't work, just e-mail

Also, if you'd like to give a gift, just click the link>>>



Thursday, January 29, 2009

Little update...

So we visited Headquarters in Orlando yesterday... that was fun. Got to meet some neat people and really find out what CCCI is all about. It's a large building that houses pretty much all of the ministries around the world. It's what keeps the wheels turning.

We got to hear a good talk from Judy Douglas (Steve Douglas (the president of CCC)'s wife), and got to meet with a representative from each ministry. We also got to see where Steve Douglas's office was and where he meets with business men from around the world who keep CCCI accountable in every aspect... it was pretty neat. He has a very humble office. If you ever get a chance, check it out sometime!

Today on the schedule is Barbara Francis, Mike Tilley, then a meeting about staff services to do paperwork and such. Makes for a pretty exciting day.

Let us know if there's anything we can pray for you about!!! We'd love to hear from you...
Our prayer request would be that God continues His provision for us, and that we are able to use our gifts and talents in a manner that is holy and pleasing to Him.

And it's supposed to rain here today... guess it could be snow... : )

Talk to you all later! Walk in the Spirit.


Kinz and Roxy

Monday, January 26, 2009

Free day!!!

Finally! A free day!
Today, we finished up with our final exam for Christian Theology, and now, we get a day to relax! God has been teaching us SO many things since we've been here, and we are looking forward to the future He has planned for us! This afternoon, I think we maybe going to a "7 fatal mistakes married couples make" seminar; maybe learn a little something, since being married and on staff can get pretty stressful.

This coming week, we're going to Headquarters in Orlando (to meet some important people), and also going to a couple other seminars discussing life on staff, payroll, etc. So it'll be a pretty calm week... then the last week we're here, we'll be in high-gear; learning about support raising, getting more into the business side of things, and after that, we will come back to Texas prepared to be missionaries! EXCITING!!!

Other than that, we'll try and keep you all updated on what's going on... So let us know if there's anything we can pray for you about! Our prayer requests would be that we both are able to get some good rest, and that God will continue to open our eyes to see what He is doing in our lives. And that He would continue to strengthen our marriage while we're here.

**Also remember we can't receive comments here (due to some glitch in the system i guess), so
e-mail if you have anything you'd like us to know!**

Thanks! Have a blessed day!


Friday, January 23, 2009

Last day for Classes!

So today is the last day for classes! YAY! We've learned tons of information, and we're pumped about what God is doing! I'm not sure what else to say, but we're looking forward to taking a little time off on the weekend before our final exam on Monday. Next week will be seminars, meeting important people, visiting headquarters, etc. and the week after that we will be working on monthly support raising and business things like payroll, insurance, etc.

Also, our comments on here don't work... so if you need to reach us, just e-mail me at

We'll update more later when we have a little more time!
We do appreciate the each of you being involved in our lives. We pray for you daily and cannot say enough about the way God has provided for us!

We love you!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another week of classes

We're plugging away at our work from our second week of classes. So far we're both doing pretty good! It's a lot of work though. We're taking 2 classes- Intro to Theology and Bible Study Methods. Into to Theology lecture is 8-10 am and then we have a lecture for Bible Study Methods from 10:30- 11:15 then we break into small groups until 12:30 to discuss our BSM work and such. Then we go back to our room to get our homework done. There's not a lot of time for much else right now. We'll both be happy once we're done with the classes. :)
I have some homework to do, so I need to get going. Just wanted to fill everyone in and let you know that we're still alive.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nearing the weekend!!!

So as we approach the weekend, we are both overjoyed! Next week, we start round 2!

But this week has been great. We're both learning a lot from our Systematic Theology classes as well as our Intro to Biblical studies class. Currently we're working on an "attributes project" that would be way to long to explain what it is on this blog. We're also reading 3 books and learning how to outline a Bible study, which is neat. It involves the breakdown of the verse by paragraph, and basically it's teaching us how to teach others. So it's cool. We're doing Ephesians!

Tonight is a pretty relaxed evening since we were able to finish our "homework" by the afternoon, so we're doing laundry, making dinner, etc. We'll probably watch "the office" later on.

Anyway, just pray that the rest of our classes go well, and that we ACE them so we don't have to re-do anything! Also, I know you need prayer, because we all do! So send your prayer requests to ... seriously... we want to be involved in your each of your lives personally!

Did I mention how thankful we are that the Father in Heaven has given us this opportunity? We are so grateful for everything, and we are so incredibly pumped about what God has for us in the coming years. We are also excited that you all get to be a part of it. It's amazing... simply amazing.

I know my grammar is not great, and my words are probably a little scatter-brained, but piece it together, and get back to me! Much love from the both of us, and we'll hope to hear from you soon! (seriously... call or e-mail.)


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Well, the rigorous schedule of classes has begun. Yesterday actually. The classes are interesting, although classes. There's a lot of talking and reading and writing. It seems like a lot to do since last week was so relaxed. We're working on time management with our studies and Kinz's band stuff, and such. Yesterday was supposedly the worst of the two week as far as the reading is concerned. Pray that the classes go smoothly and we can get our homework done and such.
Besides that, it's been a little cooler here. It's been in the 60s and rainy. I heard that a cold front is coming in and it's going to be in the 40s tonight! yikes! It was so warm last weekend!! I hope it warms back up for my birthday! :)
That's it for now. Love and blessings to all!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

the weekend

So far the trip has been great! We're about to enter into the more intense weeks as we'll have classes from 8a-3p every day, and study time during the afternoon. This will be going on for the next 5 weeks, so we're getting ready for that!

If you'd like to know what's been up the past couple days, we were honored to meet Dr. Bill Bright's wife last night, and that was absolutely amazing. In case you don't know, Dr. Bright founded Campus Crusade for Christ and well, you can imagine the plans God had for him! It was great to hear that story, and many others. It's amazing that God has taken this organization to many countries, and expanded it to much, much more than a college ministry.

As many of you know, I have never been on a plane, and Roxy's never seen the ocean beach. So today (on our day off) we were able to take an ATV up and down the shores. Also, we were walking on the beach earlier this morning, and saw dolphins jumping out of the water! How cool! God is so amazing!

I've been involved with the worship team during morning lecture times, and that has been a good experience. We've learned some great things from the speakers, and are definitely going to be equipped by the end of this 5 weeks of training. Although this past week wasn't too rough as far as training goes, the next 4 weeks are going to be... "full." : )

So if you have any prayer requests, or want to talk, just e-mail me at, or call 817-320-8359 (that's my cell). Also, we would like you to be pray for us that we will be able to endure the classes and lectures, and that God will strengthen our marriage as we become missionaries!

Thanks for reading! Hopefully this blog will become more organized as time goes on.

praise God.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Days 2 and 3

We've had two days of intense "talks." Yesterday was pretty brutal for the both of us. The whole morning was the ins and outs of all things financial. It was alright, but very long. Although I think some things have been cleared up as far as all of that stuff goes. There's a lot to learn and remember. Today was a bit lighter. We got to meet the president of CCC. He talked to all of us about our calling and what exactly we have been called to do. He was pretty funny. He has a story about everything! It was a really good time this morning. Another thing that we did yesterday was we met our Life Groups. They are done by gender, so Kinz and I are in different groups. All the girls in my group are the wives of the guys in Kinz's group. They are all really awesome people. We've enjoyed getting to know the couples. We have dinner tonight with our LGs again tonight. It's a great time of fellowship for us, and we get some "girl" and "guy" time.
Besides all of that stuff, we're having a great time here in Daytona. The weather is pleasant. It's a little chilly for me today (65ish), but still very nice. I have our door to the balcony propped open and I'm listening to the ocean and seagulls.
We hope everyone else is having a good beginning of 2009!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We made it!

After a long day of traveling, we are finally here at El Caribe! For the most part we had a smooth traveling day, it was just very long. Both of our flights (DFW to Charlotte and Charlotte to Orlando) went smoothly. Kinz did great for his first time flying. We left DFW at 8:40am (CST) and got to Charlotte at 11:40am (EST). We got a quick expensive lunch in Charlotte (it was very good despite it being over priced) and boarded our next flight. I took a nap on the plane, so it seemed like a 5 minute flight. We had been in touch with a friend of my parents, Mike, who is kind of heading up the worship band for NST (new staff training) and had arranged last minute (due to the shuttle being over booked) to hitch a ride with him and his wife out to the El Caribe in Daytona Beach. We thought that we were meeting with him not long after we landed, but Kinz didn't have Mike's cell number. We wandered around the Orlando airport for a while trying to figure out where to meet him, all the while I'm thinking that he's waiting for us somewhere. If you haven't been to the Orlando airport, it's huge! We finally find someplace to plug our laptop in (it has no battery...) and Kinz looks up Mike's number. We call him and find out they haven't even left for the airport yet. So we figure out where to meet him, but now the traffic in the airport is terrible. Long story short we finally get on the road to Daytona at 5pm. Because we're so behind schedule the plan is that we'll get to the hotel and get the other worship band people and go out to eat. Dinner sounded good!! They wanted to take all of us to a "Daytona" place so we ate at this fun restaurant called Aunt's Catfish. Kinz and I both got salmon which was AMAZING! We had a good time and met some new people. We finally got to El Caribe and checked in at 9pm last night. When we went to check in they didn't have us as coming in until tomorrow. I think we have that all figure out now...maybe. We may be switching rooms. I hope not though. We have an amazing ocean view! I need to go to the store and get a few things including a USB cord so I can post pictures.
Well, Kinz is setting up drums, and I need to get off to Win Dixie. We'll keep you updated!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Beginning (posted by Roxy)

This is the beginning of our journey. Over the past few weeks, and even more so days, Kinz and I have been preparing to leave for our New Staff Training for Campus Crusade for Christ. This has been a long time coming, and it's hard to believe that it's finally here.
Our hopes are that through this blog we can keep everyone updated on how we're doing, and what we're doing. We'll be in Florida for training until February 8th, and I'm sure that we'll have a lot to do while we're there. We want our supporters to know what we're up to and such, so we'll try to keep this updated as much as possible.
We want to thank all of you for your support and prayers as we venture down this road that God is leading us. We wouldn't be able to do this without you!
We'll also try to post prayer requests on here as well, and if there is something that we can pray for you about please email us and let us know!
As of right now our prayer request are just that we can finish up the last of our things here, and that everything goes smoothly in our travels. Kinz is a little nervous about the plane flights. Also pray that God uses this time away from our norm to strengthen us as a couple and in our relationships with Him. I know that God has a lot to teach us!
Well, I'm signing off for now. I'd better get to bed. We have one more day before departing, and there's still a lot to do!