Monday, April 20, 2009

we're so bad at keeping this up!

Hi! I figured that we ought to keep up with this a little better than once a month.
So, things are going well so far for us. We're plugging away at the support raising and slowly but surely we are getting to our goal. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little jealous of our friends that we met at training that aren't working while raising support. That's been one of the hardest things for me so far. I feel like we could be so much farther than we are if we didn't have to work. This is probably true, but as of right now, in order to keep our apartment and the electricity on, we both need our jobs. God is teaching me patience through this time. I have to fully rely on him to give me the strength each day because working 40+ hours a week and then working on support and our New Testament Survey class is tiring.
God is good though. He surprises us in ways we don't even expect. Gifts come in from places we would have thought would never give. We may be in a recession, but that doesbly affect God!
He shows Himself daily. I have to remember to praise Him even for the little blessings He gives us. Today it's the warm sunshine and beautiful weather.
We will be traveling to Arkansas this weekend for a follow up training on MPD. Pray for safe travels and a fruitful time there.
Thank you for all you mean to us!
In His grip,